Oklahoma Running Mom

Running in Oklahoma adds new meaning to the phrase "Hot Mama."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mother and Daughter Team

Marlene is Kimberly's mother-in-law and they were out running together on Saturday. What a great combo! Marlene has taught cross country for 30 years. Like most of us, she said that once she gets going she's hooked. "Running gives me more energy."

Kimberly's friend convinced her to train for a half marathon and now she's hooked. In fact her goal is to run a half marathon in all 50 states. Kimberly said that one of things she loves about running is that her kids are following her example and enjoy running and healthy habits as well.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why We Run

I bombarded this group of girls before the race. Meet Michele, Elizabeth, Jan and Lindsey. Michele runs to clear her head. "It's the only me time I get and a fit way to do it."

Elizabeth shared her reasons with me via email. I love how she uses running to solve problems.
"I started running in high school to stay in shape. I never really liked it but I didn't hate it either. I started really running and doing long distance training. I fell in love with being able to let go and be free. That's the great thing about running all you need is your shoes...you can hit the road! I feel so much more productive and better about myself when I go run. It's the best stress reliever I've found (besides the occasional glass of wine) and I tend to think better when I running, more clearly. If I ever have a tough decision to make, I just go run. I know when I am done, I would have the time to really think about it and make a sound decision. I love to run, something that most people hate, but I love it!!!"

Jan and Lindsey run because it's great exercise and...I love this..."I like to eat." Isn't that the real reason most of us run?

Thanks again ladies. I hope to see you at future races.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why I Run-Rebecca

I met Rebecca and her cute little baby boy at the Sweetheart Run. Can you believe how awesome she looks? Her baby is only two months old. Like many of us, Rebecca runs to relieve stress. She said that it makes her a happier person...."it makes me a better wife and mom." She also talked about how in the past she'd run races and see kids with signs cheering their mom on; now she's excited to have a little guy to do the same for her.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sweetheart Run

I had an awesome time at the Sweetheart Run this past Saturday. The weather was beautiful! I ran the 5K which was just one flat loop. I met awesome ladies. It was the perfect first post baby run. Now I'm even more excited about the upcoming races this year.
Stay tuned this week to see profiles of the cool running moms I met at the race.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sweetheart Run

I'm totally pumped about the Sweetheart Run tomorrow. It's going to be my first race back after Baby #2. I hope to see you there!! Stay tuned for a review of the race.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

For Beginners

For all you beginners, or maybe just for all runners, I discovered this website and thought it was really useful. It's the Road Runners Club of America's site and has tons of tips for running: etiquette, running in heat or cold, and most important, safety tips!

Post by: Bek

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oklahoma Running Mom

Last Thursday I broke out with a horrible case of hives. We don't need to go into details...let's just say that a picture of the total coverage would be a little inappropriate. To top it off, my baby had his two month check up (the same day) and he hasn't been gaining enough weight. Because of that, I need to make sure that he can nurse more frequently. Bonus, hives are making my milk supply go down. What?? So, I've been nursing and pumping to keep up. I've also been trying to get more rest because that seems to be the only think that keeps the incessant itching at bay. Because I have to rest, other things haven't been getting the attention they need (i.e. sticky kitchen floor, unfolded clothes, bathroom where potty training is taking place...).
Today was such a beautiful day that I had to get out and enjoy the sun. I packed up both kids to go for a much needed jog. It felt good to close the door on my messy house for a bit. My two month old cried the whole time so I had to cut the run short. When we got home, I fed my baby, fed my toddler, did a little "poopy in the potty dance" to celebrate my little guys' victory, got both kids to bed, did the dishes, scrubbed down the nasty bathroom, took a shower, pumped again while talking with my husband who is gone on business and here we are.
I realize that I sound like I'm complaining and I guess I might be but amongst the craziness of the day, I had an epiphany. I started this blog not just because I love running but because it takes on a whole new face when you become a mom. While it has dropped a few notches on the priority list, it's what keeps me sane. Exercise in general helps me clear my head and better be able to laugh at the little or big curve balls life throws my way. Even when I have my kids with me and I can't get in "the zone," getting out to move my body still helps me clear my mind. Being a "running mom" isn't just about logging in miles or completing a long list of workouts, it's about trying to better balance your life. It's about readjusting when things don't go as planned. Isn't that what we do each day as mothers?
If you've been bugged with yourself because things aren't running (in every sense of the word) the way you originally had planned, realize that there's always room to readjust and change the plan. I've been discouraged at how little running I've been able to do this year but today as I was laughing at the red splotches all over my body, trying to calm my upset baby and cleaning up "accidents," I realized that this is just part of the learning process that comes with motherhood.
On that note, I'm going to sign out and get some sleep.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Treadmill Workouts

With all this snow, it's nearly impossible to get a good outside run. Check out the article below to learn how to maximize the effectiveness of your treadmill exercise. Better on the Inside
by Jeff Galloway

Monday, February 7, 2011

This is how I feel lately.
(FYI: This isn't an actual picture of me.)
I put on a pair of pants yesterday and they were still post baby tight. Arg! I LOVE my baby but not my baby fat. Today I've been thinking a little about why I still have the notorious post baby muffin top. My answer: excuses. I'll list a few I've made over the past few months:
1. I'm pregnant, I deserve to eat what I want.
2. I just had a baby I deserve to eat what I want.
3. It's Christmas.
4. It's New Years.
5. We are having friends over.
6. I'm too tired to exercise.
7. It's too cold to exercise.
8. It's snowing, let's make hot chocolate.
9. I'm potty training my toddler; I need a treat.
(I think every mom who's done this will agree that this one is legitimate.)
10. Family is in town.
11. It's the Super Bowl. Pass the nachos.
Holidays, birthdays, bad weather, good weather...do I need to go on? There will always be an excuse to eat junk and an excuse to sit around when you could be active. Today I'm recommitting to making healthy choices and giving up my excuses. One of the things I love about signing up for races is that it forces me to follow through on my goals. I have to run so that I'm ready for the race. With that being said, the Sweetheart Run is rescheduled for a week from this Saturday because of snow, so you still have time to prepare. I hope to see you there.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sweetheart Run

Hooray! I'm so excited because I just registered for the Sweetheart Run on February 12. Hopefully the snow melts by then. I hope to see you there! Click below to register.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Kicks

Ah, the joys of new running shoes. Yesterday I went to Fleet Feet and bought these beauties. (Side Note: I can't say enough about the quality service provided by Fleet Feet. I've been to the other running stores in town and they just don't compare.)
Last night after my babies' bedtimes, I went for a little pre-blizzard run. It was amazing. As I was running my knees didn't hurt, my feet weren't sore and I ended up going longer than planned because I felt great. I can't wait to get out a run again.
If things are hurting that didn't used to, you're probably in need of new running shoes. Set yourself up for success by getting the things you need to be successful. Obviously, running shoes should be at the top of the list.