Oklahoma Running Mom

Running in Oklahoma adds new meaning to the phrase "Hot Mama."

Friday, September 24, 2010

What Do I Need to Try?

As usual Kristin Armstrong's blog, Mile Markers, totally spoke to me today. She's such an amazingly inspirational writer. Today I read her latest post, The Vulnerability of the Try. Below is an excerpt. I hope you take the time to read the entire post and re-evaluate what you need to TRY. I'm going to spend the weekend pondering this topic and get back to you on Monday.

"These thoughts collided at Bible Study and I wrote in all caps across the top of my journal "THE VULNERABILITY OF THE TRY." We all do it in some way, we hold back because to try would expose us, make us vulnerable. When we try something new, make our thoughts or goals known, take on a new project or a position of leadership, we become vulnerable. Suddenly, it is stated, for the record, that (fill in your name) is trying (fill in the thing)."

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