Oklahoma Running Mom

Running in Oklahoma adds new meaning to the phrase "Hot Mama."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Running for Two

I found this article in the October Issue of Runner's World Magazine and loved it. Paula Radcliff and Kara Goucher are two elite women runners. The article talks about how their pregnancies have affected their running. One of the things I most liked about the article was when one of them said that they would be tired or sick and then feel better after being out for five minutes. I almost always find that to be true. Today I hesitated as I got ready for exercise but by the time I got back, I felt a million times better. Click below to find your own pearls of wisdom.
By Katie McDonald Neitz

1 comment:

Danielle said...

"I couldn't run at the end of my pregnancy with JD, but I walked about 12 miles the weekend before I gave birth. I really believe it helped my body deliver completely natural. :)"