Oklahoma Running Mom

Running in Oklahoma adds new meaning to the phrase "Hot Mama."

Monday, February 1, 2010


Today I was at Quick Trip buying a newspaper and this beautiful donut started staring me down, "Buy me Emily! Don't worry, you can eat a salad later to make up for it." I have to say, I was pretty tempted. Luckily my son starting wiggling around in my arms and I was able to walk away. I don't think it's bad to have the occasional donut or sweet treat. I just think you shouldn't make on the fly decisions or convince yourself that you'll eat healthful foods for the rest of the day to make up for an unhealthy choice. While it was a little hard to walk away, by the time I got in the car it wasn't a big deal. Even more, I don't have to spend the rest of the day feeling guilty about starting my week off poorly.

I'm assuming that I'm not the only one who deals with temptations like this. Right?? I also freely admit that I give in almost as much as I don't. But, I know that as I make healthy choices over and over again, it will get easier and easier to avoid that bad.

What do you do to avoid temptation?


Oklahoma Running Mom said...

PS If you want to know how many fat grams or calories are in a particular food, check out the "Food Calorie Counter" link under "Great Websites." My donut would have been somewhere around 10grams of fat and 230 calories.

Joan said...

I love them too, but I REALLY love fresh, hot donut holes from Krispy Kreme. I haven't had any in probably three years as I know once I start, I'm a gonner!

Jim said...

they usually just jump into my mouth without any warning

Christina said...

I wish I had your will power! Way to go Em!

Andrea said...

I just have to think about how long I would have to work out to burn off the calories from a particular food, and most of the time it's just not worth it. Although homemade chocolate chip cookies are usually worth it!

Tom said...

If loving sprkinkled donuts is so wrong baby... I dont want to be right