Oklahoma Running Mom

Running in Oklahoma adds new meaning to the phrase "Hot Mama."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tulsa Run

The Tulsa Run was beautiful! I had such a blast running with my friends. I also met some great ladies who were good sports about me taking their post race pictures. One of my favorite things about running in races is watching the successes of others. I saw cute kids running their first 5K. I was happy that I got to be there with my friend Jasmine to enjoy her first 5K. (By "with" I mean she came in way in front of me but I at least I was there.) It's fun to see the first race excitement. It was also fun to overhear people talking about making the time they wanted. Whether you've run 1 or 100 there are always ways to find success which is one the main reasons I love watching and running races. Great Job Everyone! I'm excited to hear from you about your race day experience.

If you're one of the awesome runners pictured here, I'd love to hear from you. (Really, I'd love to hear from any of you...even if you're not pictured.) Email me and tell me your story. Why do you run? What motivated you to participate in the Tulsa Run? How did it go?

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