Oklahoma Running Mom

Running in Oklahoma adds new meaning to the phrase "Hot Mama."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Back Power

Throughout the course of the day you can usually find me holding a baby or a car seat or a toddler or a bag of groceries...or all of the above. Consequently, by the end of the day I usually feel a little like Quasimodo. I know I need to practice better posture but I also need to add some back strengthening exercises into my daily routine. I know, I know, none of us really have time to add one more thing to our routine but I'm pretty sure doing a little strength training each week will keep us from looking like this when we're older. (I don't mind the old part, but I'm not sure I want to deal with the hunched over, old part.)

Today I found a great article on RunnersWorld.Com. Check it out to learn about how to strengthen your back and core.

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