Oklahoma Running Mom

Running in Oklahoma adds new meaning to the phrase "Hot Mama."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Resolutions

There's a little trail that goes through my neighborhood where I frequently run. I love it because I see other runners, people out walking their dog, kids playing basketball off to the side, kids riding bikes, etc. I have to smile when I see all the ways that people choose to be active; more importantly, when I see parents out with their kids enjoying the beautiful weather and taking the opportunity to make healthful choices.

As I see more and more people out enjoying the warm weather, I can assume that there are many who have made "summer resolutions" to make healthier choices. Last night when I was watching a movie while eating a big bowl of ice cream I realized that maybe I should be making a resolution or two of my own. I've decided that I finally need to start keeping a food journal. I have no plans to cut out all sugar from my diet or do anything extreme; I just need to hold myself more accountable for what I'm eating each day. I'm hoping this will help me better measure my overall health and encourage me to think before I eat that third (or fourth) cookie.

Do you have any summer resolutions or goals? What are they?


Stephanie said...

Ok, I'll go public. I joined Fleet Feet's couch to 5K and I will be walking (maybe a sprint at the end, if I ain't dead yet!) a 5K on August 7. Right now the training is kicking my butt, but I am determined. As Emily reminds me, I am ahead of the people still on the couch!

Valerie said...

"Food Journaling has been a great tool 4 me everytime I get serious about watching what I eat...good luck!"

Elisa said...

I started watching what I eat and counting MAJOR calories back at the last week of March (after we got back from our Spring Break trip.) And I started making it a point that my workouts mean something, rather than just saying, "Okay, I drove to the gym, now I can go home." So far, I have lost 14 lbs. and my goal is between 8 and 10 more. And I can now run a 5K on the treadmill!!! Something I NEVER thought I would EVER do...especially since I'm not even a runner. Now my goal is to actually run a real 5K outside for a good cause.